The Centre for Short and Long term
Psycho – Social Rehabilitation & Deaddiction.
Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction & Rehab Centre, Miraj has specially designed program for persons Various Types Of Addiction With Major and Minor Mental Health problems to function as actively adaptively and independently in society at maximum possible level. The program supports person (RESIDENTS) at Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction And Rehabilitation Centre, Miraj to streng then and restore the necessary individual skills, abilities and environmental supports to improve their personal, social, family, occupational and educational spaces of life.
Nirmal Hospital, Deaddiction & Rehabilitation Centre Miraj’s Short Term Psycho Social Rehabilitation is evidence based program which Promotes recovery improved quality of life and full social reintegration for people suffering from Various Addiction Or any mental health condition seriously affecting their ability to lead normal meaningful life.
1. OPD Basis Treatment
2. Short Term Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Care.
3. Long Term Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Care.
4. IPD Basis / Admission
5. Counselling.
6. Stress Management Techniques
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